About us

Welcome to S&M Music, your go-to destination for non-stop music of your own choice. We are a radio station that is dedicated to providing our listeners with the ultimate music experience. Our extensive library of songs covers a wide variety of genres, catering to the diverse tastes of our audience. Whether you love pop, rock, hip-hop, or any other genre, we've got you covered. Our goal is to keep the music playing ../., so you never have to miss a beat. With S&M Music, you are in control. Simply let us know your preferences, and we will curate a playlist that is tailored to your liking. Tune in and let us be the soundtrack to your day.


S&M Music has been a staple in the radio industry. Our journey began in 05/02/2024 with a simple vision to provide a non-stop music experience to our listeners. Over the years, we have grown and evolved, always keeping our listeners at the heart of everything we do. Our dedication to playing music of our listeners' own choice has set us apart from other radio stations, making us a favorite among music enthusiasts.

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